Several methods. They are called as Rest Architecture. What is REST architecture? REST stands for REpresentational State Transfer. REST is web standards based architecture and uses HTTP Protocol. A REST Server simply provides access to resources and REST client accesses and modifies the resources using HTTP protocol. It usually done using json fromat
1)GET Method - This is used to provide a read only access to a resource.
2)PUT Method - This is used to create a new resource.
3)POST Method - This is used to update a existing resource or create a new resource.
4)DELETE Method - This is used to remove a resource. Get Method :
app.get('/mainpage', function(req, res){ //This is the get method which will Route to the mainpage // The below line requesting data from mysql database connection.query('SELECT * FROM tablename', function(err, rows){ console.log("data send to frontpage"); res.send(rows); //It will send response to corresponding http method in angular js });
Post Method :'/mainpage', function(req, res){ // The below line requesting data from mysql database connection.query('SELECT * FROM tablename', function(err, rows){ console.log("data send to frontpage"); res.send(rows); //It will send response to corresponding http method in angular js });
Put Method :
//This will insert the data app.put('/mainpage', function(req, res){ // The below line inserting data from mysql database connection.query('insert into tablename value ('name')', function(err, rows){ });
Delete Method :
//This will delete the data in the resource app.delete('/mainpage', function(req, res){ //This is the delete method which will Route to the mainpage // The below line deleting data from mysql database connection.query('Delete from tablename', function(err, rows){ }); Res.send() :
This Res.send function is used to send the data to client side http method of Angular Js. For Example:'/mainpage', function(req, res){ res.send('Hello world'); //It will send response to corresponding http method in angular js });
This res.send(‘Hello world’) will send the hello world text to the client side http method of the angular js. Query: Send the data from client side to server side by using query parameter. For Example: Clent side request
app.controller('mainctl',function($scope,$http,$routeParams){ $http({ method: 'GET', url:'http://localhost:2901/mainpage', params: { //query parameter send data with the help of params urname(this is key):$routeParams.uid(this is value) //params data will attach as query like http://localhost:2901/mainpage?urname='data' } }).then (function(res){ console.log(; }) })
Server side receiving request and response to client.
app.get('/mainpage', function(req, res){ // request received from client side console.log("using Query") console.log(req.query); //to access the query parameter use(req.query or req.query.urname(use key)) reg.find(req.query,function(err,data){ //request sent to mongodb and result will be stored in data parameter res.send(data); //response will send to client request. }); });
Params: Send the data from client side to server side by using Params. For Example: Client Side Request:
app.controller('mainctl',function($scope,$http,$routeParams){ $http({ method: 'GET', url:'http://localhost:2901/mainpage/'+$routeParams.uid(this is value) // value will send to server through url }).then (function(res){ console.log(; }) })
Server side receiving request and response to client.
app.get('/mainpage/:urname', function(req, res){ // request received from client side console.log("using Param") console.log(req.params); //to access the query parameter use(req.params or req.params.urname) reg.find(req.query,function(err,data){ //request sent to mongodb and result will be stored in data parameter res.send(data); //response will send to client request. }); });
Body: Body is used to send data securely(i.e., hide information and send a request to server). Important things to follow while using body parameter. install body-parse.use(bodyParser.json()) - after using this line only body will accept body request from client. For Example: Client side:
app.controller('signinctrl',function($scope,$http,$location){ $scope.send data=function(user){ //user input all store in json type $http({ method: 'POST', url: 'http://localhost:2901/signin', data:user // data information pass through body parameter }).then(function(res) { console.log(; }) } })
Server Side:
var express = require('express'); //using express package var bodyParser = require('body-parser'); // using body-parser package without this data will not work in body parameters var mongoose = require('mongoose'); // using mongoose package var app = express(); app.use(bodyParser.json()); //access for json files'/signin',function(req,res){ console.log("Using Body Method") console.log(req.body); // access body information using req.body reg.find(req.body,function(err,data){ //request result will store in data parameter res.send(data); // response will send to client resquest }); })
Header: Header is used give access control for client side request and response. For Example:
app.all('*',function(req,res,next){ //* represent access control to all app using methods. console.log("Allow header access"); res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*'); //origin access control res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET,POST,PUT,DELETE'); //method access control res.header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'Content-Type'); // header access control (json, text/plain,..) next(); })
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